The Work Pro Audio Zenith series of amplifiers is a line of professional-grade power amplifiers that deliver high-quality audio in a variety of settings. The series consists of four different amplifiers: the ZENITH 1000, 1700, 2500, and 3500. These lightweight and powerful amplifiers are designed with high-quality components to deliver quality at an affordable price.
The ZENITH series amplifiers can work in stereo, bridged, and in parallel mode, with power levels between 2x300W to 2x1000W @8Ω. The amplifiers have balanced connections and adjustable input sensitivity. The WORK PRO ZENITH series amplifiers are 2HE high, lightweight, and are manufactured in a robust 19-inch metal housing, making them suitable for mounting in 19-inch racks. The power amplifiers have selectors for input sensitivity and operating mode. They also have protection systems against short circuit, temperature, DC, VHF, and constant high-frequency signal, ensuring that the amplifiers can be used safely in demanding installations without affecting performance. The front panel has a power switch, independent volume controls for each channel, and power, signal, clip, and protection indicators.
User Manual
The user manual for the ZENITH series amplifiers is available online in English and Spanish 1. It provides detailed information on how to use the amplifier, including important warnings, installation instructions, and troubleshooting tips.
The ZENITH series amplifiers offer high reliability, signal stability, and high output levels 1. They lend themselves excellently for a wide range of applications, including lecture halls, theatres, concert halls, places of worship, playing fields, and auditoriums.
The Work Pro Audio Zenith series of amplifiers is a powerful and efficient amplifier line that is ideal for professional settings requiring high-quality audio. It has a high efficiency thanks to its Class-D technology and can deliver 2x300W to 2x1000W @8Ω. The amplifiers have balanced connections and adjustable input sensitivity. The WORK PRO ZENITH series amplifiers are 2HE high, lightweight, and are manufactured in a robust 19-inch metal housing, making them suitable for mounting in 19-inch racks. The user manual is available online in English and Spanish.